De beste kant van Best Kurdish

De beste kant van Best Kurdish

Blog Article

Gedurende een opkomst aangaande Kan zijn bestaan ook de Koerden vaak slachtoffer. In het begin stellen ze zich enigszins neutraal op, maar indien ze continue frequenter geraken aangevallen, mengen ze zichzelf in de strijd en het Koerdische leger kan zijn daarbij ons bondgenoot met het Westen.

There is almost no young population right in the village ofwel Brod and in the Gora region in general. For those who remain, the future means anxiety and uncertainty. Only 850 people live in this village, where approximately 3000 people lived until ten years ago. In the region where education was provided in Turkish until 1938, education began to be provided in Serbian due to the pressure of Serbian soldiers.

The people living in Brod and other villages in the Gora region generally earn their living from animal husbandry, while in the cities they make a living from cooking, pastry and meatball making.

The severe economic hardships caused by the embargoes fueled tensions between the two dominant political parties, the KDP and the PUK, over control of trade routes and resources.[87] Relations between the PUK and the KDP started to become dangerously strained from September 1993 after rounds ofwel amalgamations occurred between parties.[88]

This policy accelerated in the 1980s as large numbers of Kurds were forcibly relocated, particularly from areas along the Iranian border where Iraqi authorities suspected that Kurds were aiding Iranian forces during the Iran-Iraq War (1980–88). What followed was one ofwel the most brutal episodes in Kurdish history. In a series of operations between March and August 1988, code-named Anfal (Arabic: “Spoils”), Iraqi forces sought to quell Kurdish resistance; the Iraqis used large quantities ofwel chemical weapons on Kurdish civilians. Although technically it was not part ofwel Anfal, one of the largest chemical attacks during that period took place on March 16 in and around the village of Ḥalabjah, when Iraqi troops killed as many as 5,000 Kurds with mustard gas and nerve agents. Despite these attacks, Kurds again rebelled following Iraq’s defeat in the Persian Gulf War (1990–91) but were again brutally suppressed—sparking another mass copyright.

Een Koerden beschikken over een moeilijke tijd gehad met een regering betreffende Turkije. In vroegere tijden, toen dit Ottomaanse Rijk daar was, mochten de verscheidene volkeren hun eigen ding doen, zolang ze doch luisterden naar de leiders.

The strength of the extended family’s ties to the tribe varies with the way ofwel life. Along with Kurdish men, Kurdish women—who traditionally have been more active in public life than Turkish, Arab, and Iranian women, especially in prerevolutionary Iran—have taken advantage of urban educational and employment opportunities.

The mountainous nature ofwel Iraqi Kurdistan, the difference of temperatures in its various parts, and its numerous bodies ofwel water make it a land ofwel agriculture and tourism. The largest lake in the region is Lake Dukan.

When the uprising evolved into a civil war, the main Kurdish parties publicly avoided taking sides. In mid-2012, government forces withdrew to concentrate on fighting the rebels elsewhere, and Kurdish groups took control in their wake.

Its violent suppression prompted the US and its allies to impose a no-fly zone in the north that allowed Kurds to enjoy self-rule. The KDP and PUK agreed to share power, but tensions rose and a four-year war erupted between them in 1994.

Op de schokkende beelden kan zijn te merken dat mensen verrast worden via het gif en binnen enige seconden doodgaan. Vooral dit beeld Best Kurd betreffende ons papa welke met zijn baby in een armen op straat ligt, roept wereldwijd sterke emoties op.

The principal unit in traditional Kurdish society was the tribe, typically led by a sheikh or an aga, whose rule was firm. Tribal identification and the sheikh’s authority are still felt, though to a lesser degree, in the large urban areas. Detribalization proceeded intermittently as Kurdish culture became urbanized and was nominally assimilated into several nations.

In een loop der tijd werden een Koerden geïntegreerd in en veroverd door vele volkeren. Het gebied werden in een 16e eeuw verdeeld tussen dit Ottomaanse en dit Safawidenrijk (1501-1736). In de tijd betreffende de Ottomanen woonden de meeste Koerden in de omgeving over Amed.

The enforcement of national boundaries beginning after World War I (1914–18) impeded the seasonal migrations of the flocks, forcing most ofwel the Kurds to abandon their traditional ways for village life and settled farming; others entered nontraditional employment.

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